Wolf & Zebra

Wolf & Zebra is the story of a childhood dream that became reality in 2014. A dream of one day riding through the Americas on a motorcycle to join the southernmost city of Latin America, the very tip of Argentina: Ushuaia.

On two Suzuki DR650’s specially modified for this adventure, my wife and I rode for 10 months, covering over 34.000kms and visiting 14 countries in the process. A project of this magnitude cannot be undertaken lightly and we therefore poured into its preparation all of our combined expertise. A former road racer, I reached out to previous sponsors with a detailed press kit outlining what we had to offer. In a few months we successfully signed up several major brands.

Wolfandzebra.com is a site that now features several hundred photos of our journey, 35 posts narrating our wanderings and an inspiration for the overlander community.


September 21, 2015


Product Strategy